
Facilities in Hand Surgery Associates

Hand Surgery Associates was set up to be a comprehensive clinic for high quality and responsive hand surgery care.

A) In house hand therapy

This important aspect of hand surgery involves guided rehabilitation for hand surgery patients and the use of protective splints for rehabilitation. Our hand surgeons look after the rehabilitation of their patients and you will be referred to therapists when required. The hand therapist is sited in our clinics at Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre and Mount Alvernia Medical Centre.

B) Ultrasound of the hand & wrist

Ultrasound is a non-invasive method to study the structures in the hand and wrist. This is performed by our hand surgeons to “look below the skin” to help evaluate hand conditions. This is the new frontier in hand surgery.

C) Ambulatory Procedure Room

HSA has a fully equipped ambulatory surgical procedure suite that caters for surgery under local anaesthesia. Our surgeons favour the use of local anaesthesia for many of the minor hand surgery procedures as it minimizes surgical risk and cost for the patient.

D) Medisave-Accreditation

Our clinic is Medisave-accredited. This means that medisave can be used to pay for minor surgeries in the clinic . This maximizes convenience and cost savings for our patients.