Hand Pain & Stiffness Treatment

Pain and Stiffness in the Hand

Pain and stiffness in the hand can arise from the joints in the hands, the tendons that move the joints, the nerves that supply the hand or infection and inflammation in the hand.

Degenerative arthritis of the hand and wrist are a common cause of pain in the aging joints. Management of this age related condition involves joint preservation with therapy and functional adaptation. Surgical options are used when the pain becomes untolerable.

Tendovaginitis (inflammation of the tendon and its sheath) is often the result of wear and tear of the tendon apparatus, of which there are many in the hand and wrist. This includes trigger fingersDeQuervain’s tenosynovitis or extensor tendinitis. The essence in treatment for these conditions is in getting the correct diagnosis and prescribing the appropriate treatment. Many of these conditions are curable with simple treatment procedures.

One of the main complaints in carpal tunnel syndrome (compression of the median nerve at the wrist) is that of pain and numbness in the hand, with early morning stiffness in the joints. This nerve compression syndrome is common in older patients and can lead to muscle wasting and nerve damage if ignored.

Lastly, infections in the hand and acute inflammatory flares (gouty attacks) have a short onset time and are rapidly progressive. Early treatment limits the tissue loss from these processes.



Osteoarthritis of the finger joints
OA Hands Clinical Photo

Gouty tophus affecting finger joints
Gouty tophus affecting finger joints